
We think we’re something special. We hope you do too.


OUr demo reel

Here’s a peek into what we do as a company. We do a little bit of everything so let us know what we can do for you.


Samurai Exhibit

For this project we worked with the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture along with CONTEMPORANEA PROGETTI to showcase their Samurai Sunrise, Sunset exhibit.

The healing lodge of the seven nations

We worked together with The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations to develop a series of videos showing the glow in what they do. We’re proud of not only these videos, but what the Healing Lodge does for people. They are a true testament to what can be accomplished when people come together.

Northwest museum of arts and culture

The MAC museum reached out to wanting to create a series of videos highlighting their Joe Feddersen Exhibit. We worked together on creating a schedule and look that would be represent the emotion of his work. After that we took off for a three-day adventure across the state of Washington capturing B-roll and interviews with Joe. They are currently on display in the MAC museum Joe Fedderesen exhibit.

Indigenous Pact

With Indigenous Pact we worked together on several videos that would help enhance their message and show the forward-thinking ideology that they subscribe to. They are working on cutting edge technology that will help tribal communities get better access to care for the foreseeable future.

Washington filmworks bts for train dreams

Washinton Filmworks reached out wanting to do some Behind the Scenes of the film “Train Dreams”. We spent the day on set, got to meet some famous people, and cut together a great promo for WFS. It was truly a fun experience and unlike anything we had done.

Spokane’s Stolen sisters

Together with Spokane Regional domestic violence coalition we made this short documentary about a missing and murdered indigenous womens art show. This film is not only about the art but what events like this can accomplish.


opioid prevention campaign

Here’s a look at work we created for the Health Care Authority. It was a campaign focused on Opioid prevention aimed at the native community. With our partner on the project, Desautel Hege, we created 3 videos with a :30 and a :10 cut. We also created a 5:00 documentary for the project.


Kalispel Mini-Docs

The Kalispel Tribe’s communication department reached out wanted to do a series of small documentaries showcasing the history of the tribe. Over the course of six months we wrote, shot and edited these seven videos spanning over the entire history of the tribe.

Pacific northwest social marketing association

For this video, Desautel Hege reached out to us and asked us if we would like to create an opening video for the PNSMA conference. We took a minute to think about what would work best. Of course, with comedy in our veins we couldn’t resist to create a skit about the complexity of the PNSMA. We wrote, directed and edited this video to great reception from the audience.

Northern Quest Casino Heritage Hallway

Working with the Kalispel tribe we created this historical video for their Heritage Hallway.


Suicide Prevention Campaign

Here’s a look at work we created for the Department of Health. It was a campaign focused on suicide prevention aimed at the native community. We our partner on the project, Desautel Hege, we created two videos with a :30 and a :60 cut. We also created two :30 animations for the project.


opioid Prevention campaign

The solution to Opioid abuse is a problem we can all get behind. The Washington Health Care Authority along with Desautel Hege tasked us with creating a series of PSA’s. The point of the message was to let you know that you’re not alone and there are people out there to help.


Rise above

Rise Above is a charity organization that focuses on helping native youth grow through sports activities and education. We are thrilled to be part of such an important and active organization.


Kalispel Vision Statement

The Vision Statement is an important document for the Kalispel Tribe. We worked with elders and members alike to create this video.


Kalispel Media Camp

Here’s a video we made for the camp we run each year.


First People’s fund

In this project, J.G. Pakootas was awarded a grant from the First People’s Fund to start a residency with other artists including T.S the Solution and Talon Bazille Ducheneaux.

Spokane Tribal Enterprise

In this project we were tasked with telling the full story of what the Spokane Tribal Enterprise is and how they operate.


Camas path

These spots were developed for Camas Path. Their hope was to send a message that taught the dangers of smoking, vaping, and playing games too much.


The Spokane Chicken Dance

Here’s a project we made for the Spokane Tribe. The story of the chicken dance is old and varied in it’s history.


Kalispel Animations

This was a large task that was worth every second. We were tasked by the Kalispel language department to animate over an hour and a half of slides made for kids. These stories teach language and morals to children of all ages on the Kalispel community.


Native American Sewing Company

In this project we were tasked with making a fun promo for the NASC. We feel this highlights the unique style that they spearheaded.